Puget Sound Intergroup


Intergroup meets on the last Saturday of each month

Intergroup meets on the last Saturday of each month from 5 PM to 6:15 PM.

The Intergroup meeting happens remotely via Zoom. Click here to join the meeting

Intergroup Phone Hotline: 855-583-0848

Intergroup is open to everyone who is in recovery from sex and love addiction.

Service positions are held by fellowship members in the area that the Intergroup serves. These trusted servants are people who understand that in recovery we put principles before personalities in order to provide support to the fellowship.

Service positions are held by individuals who have maintained a certain period of continuous, self-defined sobriety, and have an awareness of group conscience principles. We regularly have service positions available. Please come to intergroup if you are interested in serving the Greater Puget Sound fellowship of SLAA. 

The following are some of the service positions held by our members:

  • Meeting Representative: represents local group meeting.

  • Secretary: prepares Intergroup meeting agendas and publishes minutes.

  • Literature: orders and maintains stock of S.L.A.A. books literature and coins for groups to purchase.

  • Webmaster: maintains the Puget Sound Area Intergroup web site.

  • Retreat Coordinator: supports Intergroup with planning of retreats.

  • Treasurer: creates and maintains the budget, collects donations, pays bills, and maintains retreat registrations.

  • Chair: leads Intergroup organization according to group conscious format.

Results of Puget Sound Group Inventory

The results are in!  =>  Click here to view it.

Please read the results of our group inventory and survey of self assessment. The results are all “in our own words.” The work done by our SLAA volunteers was very disciplined - they held to one standard - there was no paraphrasing or otherwise modifying responses for any reason. 

Let’s review and use this knowledge to each become better participants in our fellowship. 

Many thanks to the persons who donated their time and diligence.